Thursday, August 8, 2013

Neighborhood Yard Sale

Let’s have a really giant yard sale!  Yard sales are a great way to make some money, recycle your useful but unneeded items, and remove clutter.  But yard sales work best when they are multi-seller events.  So we thought, "Hey, let's have one for the whole neighborhood and see what happens!"

The HOA will organize a neighborhood-wide yard sale.  There is no cost to participate.  The HOA will cover advertising costs and place signs at the entrances. If you wish to join the sale, simply be ready in your driveway or front yard on the day of the event.  To protect the common areas we will not be holding any sales except from homeowners' yards.

If this is a success, we are considering making it an annual event for the neighborhood.

The first neighborhood yard sale is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, March 29, 2014.  If you have ideas or suggestions - especially about successful advertising, email us at