Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Street Lights and Homeowner's Dues

Now to address a subject that has come up more than once, most recently at the last HOA meeting.

Dave Hill, HOA President, has done some research and to the best of our knowledge there are twelve households within Pleasant Pointe for which Aiken Electric adds an extra charge of $2.52 per month to the electric bill to pay for roadside street lights.

These lights benefit the entire neighborhood.

The board has approved providing these households a credit agains HOA dues for the amount paid for these roadside streetlights. This credit currently amounst to $30.24 per year.

To receive this credit the affected households should provide a copy of an electric bill reflecting the extra charge to the board Treasurer, Beth Barranco. You can contact Beth at

Please share this information with your neighbors and let them know about the Pleasant Pointe website.