Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween Parking Efforts

You may have noticed the yellow tape parking barriers at the entrances for Halloween this year.  This is the first year the HOA has made such an effort and you may be wondering why.

While reviewing expenses the board noted we have to replace sprinkler heads around the entrances every year.  A number of sprinkler heads are destroyed well beyond usual wear and tear.  It appears the most likely culprit is the number of cars that have traditionally parked on the grass at the neighborhood entrances during trick or treating.  Needless to say, these cars are generally owned by people who are not from the neighborhood.  

We think it is delightful that Pleasant Pointe is such a popular trick-or-treat location and seeing all the kids in their costumes is terrific fun.  At the same time we don't need to endure unnecessary costs by willy-nilly parking on the irrigation systems.  Thus the reason for the picket and tape barriers this year.  The entire project cost less than the replacement cost of a heavy-duty sprinkler head and the barriers are reusable.

We'd love to hear your thoughts on the idea.  Did this work in your opinion?  Were there unexpected consequences?  Do you have thoughts on how to handle traffic in the future?  Drop us a line at and let us hear your constructive suggestions.