Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Meeting Minutes, March 2012

Pleasant Pointe Homeowner’s Association
Annual Homeowner’s Meeting Minutes
March 20, 2012

The meeting was called to order by Pat Cox, PPHOA president at 7:04 p.m.  There were 16 attendees at this meeting, plus four board members.  The meeting began with an introduction of board members followed by introduction of residents.
2011 in Review:  Pat addressed the budget summary which was included in the mailing announcing the meeting, thanking those members who have already paid dues for 2012.  In 2011 the board took in just under $400 more than was spent.  Dues payments are critical.
The PPHOA has engaged the services of attorney Phil Woolhiser.  Mr. Woolhiser is advising the board on dues collections, and other legal matters including covenants and county ordinance enforcement.  Mr. Woolhiser is filing liens against property owners in arrears on dues.  These liens will be exercised at any closing for the affected property whether for sale or refinancing.
The PPHOA has let a new contract for a new landscaping service.  The new contract reduces costs by $50/month.
The PPHOA had the dilapidated fence along Pine Log Road, parallel to Lenox Way demolished and replaced.  This fence will be painted during 2012.  When the fence is painted it is the intent of the board to repaint the fence at the Pleasant Pointe Drive entrance as well as it is chipping and flaking.
It is a challenge to keep up with property owners and the board continues its ongoing resident verification.
The Year Ahead: 2012
Gary Bacon, board VP – has diagnosed some the issues with entrance lights.  The board intends to fund repairs in 2012.
There are no volunteers to step up and serve on the board.  The board will negotiate with a management company to take over certain board duties.  The current quote from the management company is $250 per month but the board president will attempt to negotiate that to a lower figure.  If hired the management company will collect dues, pay bills, develop annual budget, provide statements, issue covenant violation letters, perform monthly inspections of the neighborhood, and provide welcome packages for new homeowners.  Under consideration is Gold Ivy Realty. 
If a management company is hired, the current board president, vice president and secretary will remain in place as a liaison team. 

Discussion from the floor:
Resident reports that In 1994 the HOA was dissolved.  Response:  The Homeowners association was reestablished in 2006 by vote of the neighborhood at large. 
Covenants:  Need to be updated and there is a question as to the applicability of any covenants to all parts of the subdivision.  Response:  The board will establish a committee to update the covenants.  
Discussion of various violations of county ordinances.  Response:  The board has no authority to enforce county ordinances.
Question:  How do renters know what the rules are?  Response:  Good question.  Board will look into a way to manage that.
Request:  Please be courteous – curb your dog from urinating on neighbor’s property and ornamental plants.  And please pick up after your dog.  Response:  Will put reminder in minutes 
Request:  Entrance sign at the Sandlewood Way entrance is peeling and is in need of repair.  Response:  This will go on the maintenance list and will be funded as funds are available.  .
Request:  Can we have the management company show up to discuss with homeowners?  Can we make sure all the homeowners know about the management company?  Response:   Will check to see what procedures are required for such an action.  Board will follow those procedures and keep the community informed.  We may have the  management company come and speak to a special meeting of the homeowners.  Will schedule such action by June 1st.   
Comment:  Thank you to the board members for serving.  It is not fair to board members that nobody else will volunteer.  We need the management company.  If it requires paying more in dues, that’s fine with me.  Response:  Thank you for your kindness.
Question:  If we hire a management company, will the dues increase?  Comment:  They likely will have to as they have been the same since 2007.  Comment:  Homeowners Association dues are very inexpensive (calculates to $8.33  per month) and if they need to go up then so be it.  Comment:  If everyone pays their fair share we might not have to increase the dues.  Response:  We are trying hard to balance requirements and income.  Cannot say for certain that dues will need to increase.
Meeting adjourned 8:07

Recorded and submitted March 20, 2012

Timothy P Fitzgerald
PPHOA Secretary